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A Proven Marketing Solution Built for Restaurants of all Shapes & Sizes

Whether you're fine dining, a coffee shop, a bar, a ghost kitchen, or anything in between, Adentro is the only marketing solution designed to increase guest foot traffic AND prove it. Our platform pairs with your in-store WiFi network to track guest visit behavior and fuel your marketing efforts.

See How Customer Visit Data Can Fuel Business Growth

Measure what matters:

Real Guest Visits

"With this unique way of tracking, we know exactly who, when, for how long, and how much money was spent at our owned locations. When you put an ad out on a billboard it’s not very easy to determine how many people walked into your location, however with Adentro you get it all. I love being able to say ‘hey this creative works, or this special event is going great, I have the walk-throughs to prove it.’”

“Adentro allows us to identify the customers that matter most and market to them directly through social media and email campaigns. We are then able to see exactly how this is impacting our business. It really is a step up from our prior capabilities of just sending out ads and hoping for the best.”

“Adentro has become an integral piece of our marketing mix here at Brixx Wood Fired Pizza. It's not easy to close the loop on ad metrics with a goal of driving physical traffic to a brick-and-mortar business, but that's exactly what Adentro is able to do."

Jump start your

Customer Data Collection

"With Adentro, we have collected thousands of our customers’ contact information without any effort through sign ups or fish-bowls—and it’s happened seamlessly alongside our operations. The ability to capture and maintain our customer database with no input other than guests connecting to the WiFi is pretty remarkable."

“Our signups have been amazing. Every month we look at our list and can't believe how much it’s grown.”

“We have seen really great growth in our database since working with Adentro. We add several hundred new emails from guests each month and we're very happy with how it’s working.”

Simplify your ability to

Achieve Personalization

“This information helps us continuously craft better marketing messages and get them in front of the people who are more likely to become new customers. It’s all based on real data we've collected on existing customer preferences.”

“Our goal is to know 100% of our guests and treat them like family. Integrating Adentro with our loyalty program is the best way we’ve found so far.”

“Adentro makes it easy to monitor your database and to communicate with your customers! It’s a vital element of your communications strategy.”

A proven way to

Drive Revenue

“I’m a busy guy, but I'll take time to promote this product. It works. It has the highest ROI of all my marketing programs.”

“Working with the Adentro team we saw an immediate and significant uptick in the performance of our ad campaigns, and—against all odds and conventional wisdom—have actually been able to increase our sales figures, in many cases higher than what they were before the pandemic.”

"As soon as we started advertising with Adentro, we noticed our sales go up and couldn't pinpoint anything else that made that happen except you guys. Even through the pandemic, it's continued to be effective. Marketing is about butts in seats and you guys actually make that happen and helped us measure it."

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Share your info, then we'll get in touch to answer your questions and give you a preview of what to expect from Adentro.

Click here for more details on how Adentro is different than the rest. Learn More

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